Someday, IE will adopt the standards (or die) and we'll all be able to see fun stuff like this. So check out some cool Google tricks & search games like google gravity, barrel roll the next time you have some extra time on your hands P.S.: Make sure to. Do a barrel roll twice, 5 times, 10 times, 20 times or 100. It is a reference to a video game called Star Fox 64, where the character Peppy Hare tells the player to do a barrel roll to dodge enemy fire. Do A Barrel Roll (Do A Backflip, Z or R twice or ZZ or RR ) is a Google Easter egg trick. You never know though, the webkit standard could end up becoming a standard and this will be as easy as this: To activate it, you simply need to search for 'do a barrel roll' on Google, or type 'z or r twice' after your search query, and hit Enter.
If this were a webkit only app, they could have done it with two lines of code using a transition. What's surprising is how little of it they needed. When a Spell Card, Trap Card, or monster effect is activated: Tribute all Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens you control.

It’s also a sarcastic response to questions being asked online. This is fairly cutting edge, so we still have to use the vendor prefixes, but the code is pretty straight forward. Do a barrel roll is an internet meme that’s mainly used to caption images or gifs of people, animals, and objects doing a 360-degree turn (or trying to).
The answer to the first question is easy. An actual barrel roll is shown in the trope image, whereas an aileron roll describes an aircraft doing one full rotation on its roll axis (Z-axis from the. It’s a popular Google search trick released in 2011 and is still active today. When you saw it you may have thought "How the heck did they pull that off?" or maybe you said "Since when does google use flash?" or possibly " I feel the need.the need for speed!". Do a barrel roll One of the first easter eggs released by Google is do a barrel roll. For the rest of us, Google's page does a nice little in-place spin. What? You're using IE? Ok, well then no tricks for you. If you haven't, head over to and enter "Do a barrel roll".